Friday, December 14, 2018


welcom to ethiotelecom CWR Geographical Fixed Line Tracker Welcome to My project         WELCOME TO ETHIO-TELECOM CWR GIS MAP ROUTE PROJECT   

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Build And Ideal Concept By Tekeste Geremew (Weliso FAN Staff ID 12069)

Welcome To Ethiotelecom Fixed Telephone-terminal  Tracer Web App

ET Mail Login ADSL-Configuration Material Access Your ROUTER To Configure Get Lat Long Address 


Geographical Route Mapping for Ethio-telecom Exchange

July 23, 2019
                                                            PROPOSED BY TEKESTE GEREMEW


       The author is thankful to Ethiotelecom Fixed Access Network Department, Parents and friends for their blessing, Support and motivation behind this work.

What is fixed-line network?
 u Although there is no completely uniform definition of a fixed-line network, the term typically refers to all of the wired networks that are used for voice and data communications. A fixed-line can be seen as a connection to an end customer, by means of a cable, through which a user can make phone calls or connect to the Internet. Fixed-lines are clearly separate from the mobile phone network, by which end users are connected to the network via wireless transmission technologies.
u The fixed-line network can be divided into the core network and the access network. While the access network has an almost blanket coverage of copper paired wires that ensures many individual terminals are connected to the next node, core network lines predominantly have a high bandwidth for connecting switching computers to each other. Here copper cables and fiber optics are used as well as wireless radio technologies. Modern access networks are, in addition to copper wires, increasingly using fiber optic lines.

u In my thesis we are going to design a system which is used for tracking and Locating of any fixed line network systems by using Global Positioning System [GPS], Geospatial Information Systems [GIS] and Web based server. The design is an embedded application, which will continuously monitor Real status of an existing active fixed line network, manage fixed line network survey plan techniques and able to update the status of fixed line network terminals. For doing so GPS receiver and GIS applications. The GPS modem that uses satellite technology for its navigation system will   continuously give data like longitude, latitude, distance travelled etc. GIS   offers the network planner a powerful solution for simultaneously managing   the physical location of the infrastructure, the attribute data associated   with infrastructure components.
u When I proposed this big motivation idea for our company, there are many reasons for being this idea.

u I am level 6 local agent in Google Company. I get this level and title through my day to day activities in Google map application. In this map navigation and routing application a user able to access geographical map positioning, nearest Bank, nearest ATM, remote area location in the world, cell phone number information’s and also able to modify/register missing place information’. So in this application all information’s are gathered from user experience.

u  On my opinion I want to integrate my Google map navigation and field line technician experiences for our company by developing web based geographical land line (fixed access network) tracker application software.
uThis is professional, technical, analytical, and customer complain oriented work in Ethiotelecom fixed access network department
uIn our glob there are many developed country telecom service providers use geographical location based route map software’s using geospatial information system (GIS) to trace, maintain and survey for optical fiber and landline fixed telephone network infrastructure.   In Ethiotelecom fixed access network department many customer complain reports through trouble tickets are create in the system. We use common and professional activities to minimize this trouble tickets. So in each trouble fixation activities waste resources and time. In my proposed motivated Idea platform application will reduce time and resources radically different from the current fault minimization and implementation survey for network expansion. 
                    Scope Of work
My proposed project implement in East harerge kersa wereda, woter town Ethio telecom woter station linked all CPE and MDF line data. The project must integrate with existing network infrastructures
Hint This Bellow Images are taken from Google Map, after Received a Satellite Geographical images, We modified and Insert Terminal Data From Our MDF Map data. finally when I finish my proposed Idea, All Terminal Links (CPE 121-30, OR T 120) Are Buttons, when we press buttons the system shows Terminal Data.